Audio stories for a museum

For those who don’t know: the KMM is one of the largest sound machine museums in Switzerland and there you can marvel at the entire range of mechanical musical instruments and sound machines. For some, a visit to the KMM is a nostalgia tour, for others it’s a voyage of discovery of mechanical marvels – from giant annual market organs to self-playing pianos, it’s all here.

New at the KMM is now a children’s corner with adapted vintage telephones that tell exciting audio stories about musical machines – and a few of these stories come from my pen! I tell about a robot bird, let a ghost hunter investigate a haunted piano and reveal that music can also taste like chocolate.

Well? Do you want to know more? Then head to Zurich and pay the KMM a visit! And I would be happy to hear how you liked my audio stories.

We won!

We won!!! Super happy that our animation project won the Heroines in Series – Contest!!! Out of 96 submissions, 6 winning concepts were selected and my co-author and I got to cheer 🥳🥳🥳

For those who do not know what this competition is about:
The “Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort” has organized the script competition “Heroines in Series” with the aim of developing series formats that portray women characters in the fields of MINT – mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. The exposés submitted are intended to show positive role models and, above all, encourage girls to become active in these fields. This year, the focus was on ideas for series for a young target audience, family series for children aged 6 and up, and teenagers.

Of course I, as a nerd, had to take part 😉

Crime Series here I come…

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Very excited to tell you, that I was hired to write the pilot episode for a new crime series! A new genre for me to conquer and I dare say: I think I might make an excellent detective. Or criminal. 😉

For this I spend a lot of time on research. Research on police work, criminal reports, all kinds of different deaths and murder weapons and really everything you can imagine connected to people in general lol. Ah, and the joy of watching a lot of different crime series already out there…

Stay tuned for more news. Crime Series here I come!

Warum schreibe ich gern für Kinder?

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Ich liebe Kindergeschichten. Denn gute Kindergeschichten enthalten Tiefe und Lebenswahrheit in einfachen und humorvollen Worten. Jeder versteht sie. Sie sind wie Schätze mit denen du deine Vorratskammern füllst, und deren Reichtum sich für dich im Leben im richtigen Augenblick erschließt. Gute Kindergeschichten sind reine Philosophie. Sie können komplexe Gedanken, Wertvorstellungen, Lebensauffassungen mit einfachen Worten so ausdrücken, dass sogar Kinder sie verstehen. Und jedes Kind sollte die Möglichkeit von Tiefe in seinem Leben in Geschichten erfahren dürfen. Denn Kinder sind sehr tiefgründige Menschen, deren Fragen Erwachsene oft sprachlos machen.

Für diese wachsenden Kinder schreibe ich meine Geschichten. Ich möchte mit meinen Geschichten ihre komplexen und offenen Seelen würdigen. Ich schreibe Geschichten, die für Kinder angstfrei sind und sie in ihren Fragestellungen an die Welt unterstützen und beflügeln.

Kinder verdienen so viel mehr Respekt als ihnen von der Welt oft zugestanden wird. Meine Erzählungen sind Lebensthemen, sie schmecken leicht philosophisch, sind mit Humor gewürzt und haben immer eine tiefe Botschaft für die Kleinen.

Den Begriff „pädagogisch wertvoll“ finde ich dafür trotzdem nicht treffend. Dabei entsteht das Bild, dass den Kindern eine Moral mit erhobenen Zeigefinger aufs Auge gedrückt wird. Die Botschaft meiner Geschichten soll vielmehr die Eigenschaften eines Schlucks Wasser besitzen: Sie soll leicht zu trinken sein, den Durst stillen und dem Körper anschließend Energie geben fürs Leben. Das ist mir sehr wichtig. Wie ein Schluck Wasser auf vielen Ebenen wirkt, stelle ich diese Ansprüche auch an meine Geschichten für Kinder.

Comic soon

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In case you didn’t know, I LOVE comics. They have been part of my life since forever. Currently I’m very much into MANGAS, especially into sport mangas. Yep. Believe it or not, even though I’m a writer and sitting a lot in front of the screen, I’m a sucker for sports 😀 And while I was sitting on my couch, reading my precious mangas, I suddenly thought: You know what, I want to write a sports manga.

So I’m excited to tell you that I did! At least a teaser-manga that is ten pages long.

Thanks to a good friend I was connected with a great manga illustrator from Austria and we worked on those pages the last month. The art looks great and the people who read it were looking forward to know more about the story.
So heads up – the manga is going to be published online in the near future for everyone to read. Wooohoooo!!!!

More infos & details coming soon!

Storytelling School Podcast

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Remember the bedtime stories app? Well, the updated version of the app will now also offer a storytelling school. The courses will be like podcast episodes, which will teach you and your family everything about awesome storytelling.

The best thing: it is FREE. You just need the app to listen to it. So if you want to know more about storytelling, I can highly recommend it. Maybe also because I wrote some of the episodes ;). So you will have fun listening to it.

Click here to get more information about it.

Making of

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In case you don’t know anything about “Silent Tuning”: it is a online tutorial series with the Austrian snowboard legend Sigi Grabner.

I’m responsible for the whole concept and also the shooting, and in order to make some nice episodes we teamed up with the guys from RedRabbit Film.

This time we made sure to make some pictures as well, so you can have a peek behind the scenes. Because even though it is “just” a tutorial, it still needs a lot of time and precise effort to make it look so good and easy for everybody to understand. 😉

You will find the finished episode on the SG Snowboards channel on youtube, vimeo and on their official website, too. Make sure to leave a comment there, if the tutorial was to your liking, because it’s always nice to hear when the effort paid off. 🙂

If you want to watch more episodes and snowboard clips, go to the SG Snowboards youtube channel.

And here the finished tutorial episode for the SG Performance Bindings. Enjoy!

Audio book

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Some awesome news on the Lilly the Witch front again. My episodes are now also available as an audio book at Random House. Both episodes together on one CD! How convenient 🙂

So if you are maybe not sure yet what to buy your kids for Christmas, this might be an idea. No pressure, of course 😉